Monday, June 4, 2007

RMMS Johannesburg 12-18 June 2007

12 June 8am - 5pm Healing Services
12 June 7-9pm Talk about The Rocky Mountain Mystery School & The Universal Kabbalah
13 June 8am - 5pm Healing Services
14 June 8am - 5pm Healing Services
14 June 7-9pm The Sanctuary Meditation Technique
15 June 8am - 5pm Healing Services
16 June 8am - 5pm Healing Services
16 June 10am-10pm The Adept Class & Initiation
17 June 10am - 2pm Sacred Geometry
17 June 3pm - 7pm Astral Travel
18 June 8am - 5pm Healing Services
18 June 7-9pm Talk about The Universal Kabbalah


22-Strand DNA Activation
Emotional Cord Cuttings
Instant Relief Package
DNA Deluxe Package
Etheric Surgery
Purpose of Life Reading
Isis Healings

CONTACT for Healings, Classes & Talks in Johannesburg:
Gert Botha 083 397 9990
9 Frances Rd, Norwood

Talk about the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools & The Universal Kabbalah

You are invited to a talk about the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools that have anchored the ancient teachings since the beginning of times. The Rocky Mountain Mystery School is currently open to those seeking knowledge in accordance with the new law of the Universe NO MORE SECRETS. Join us for a talk and discussion on this topic. Questions such as what a Mystery School is, why it is open and what tools of empowerment the Mystery School can offer will be covered in this talk. Julia Tiffin, trained by The Rocky Mountain Mystery School will also be providing more information on classes that will be taught by the head of the Rocky Mountain Mystery School, Gudni Gudnason, in South Africa in October 2007.

The second half of the talk will cover information about The Universal Kabbalah. The Universal Kabbalah is the purest form of esoteric study available on this planet. The Study of God and the God essence within humans is a noble and essential
part of being a spiritual being. This is what makes us who and what we are and indeed through that Study we come to the realisation of who and what we are. Know Thyself! More information will also be provided about The Universal Kabbalah class that will begin in Johannesburg in July 2007. Please note that space is limited so please contact Gert Botha ASAP to reserve a space for this talk on either one of the dates that have been scheduled.

Date: Tuesday 12th June 2007
Time: 19h00 – 21h00
PRESENTED BY: Julia Tiffin, Guide, Kabbalist and Ritual Master, trained by The Rocky Mountain Mystery School

The Sanctuary Meditation Technique

This is an introduction to an ancient Shamanic technique used to contact your Higher Self. This meditation technique is a form of channelling called mediation. The Higher Self has all the knowledge about who you are, is completely connected to God and ensures that you can get your own guidance onboard without needing guidance from an outside source. Once you become proficient at using your Higher Self as a mediator to communicate between beings in higher spiritual dimensions and yourself, you will be able to source information from Masters of Light to Archangels. (The Gifts of the Spirit Class is the complete training which allows you to get this practice consolidated and enables you access to other beings via your Higher Self to get different teachings and life coaching/guidance.)

You are invited to an evening where you will experience this form of meditation – no meditation experience required! It is very well suited to Westerners as it is an active form of meditation and helps us with our ‘busy’ minds. Please note that space is limited so please contact Gert Botha ASAP to reserve a space!

Date: Thursday 14th June 2007
Time: 19h00 – 21h00
PRESENTED BY: Julia Tiffin, Guide, Kabbalist and Ritual Master, trained by The Rocky Mountain Mystery School

Adept Classes
Initiation into the Universal Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Light

Adept Classes are taught in Cape Town and Johannesburg by Julia Tiffin, a Guide authorized to teach Adept Classes by The Rocky Mountain Mystery School. Please contact us to register for the opportunity to attend this class!

The Adept program is one of the most important steps for empowerment that a Light worker can choose. It is for all Light workers who are ready to take the next step. Whether you have been in service for many years or are new on your path, this Initiation is the answer for direct guidance and communication with the Hierarchy of Light. It will give you tools of empowerment and protection and will increase your ability tenfold so you are better equipped to fulfill your life purpose and complete what it is that you are here to do.

The initiation of Adept follows the one most Light workers already have, that of self-initiation. This means they are already performing service for humanity. This second initiation will bring you to higher light and knowledge. The Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light is part of the working force of the Hierarchy of Light that you will be initiated into. This is a philosophical path, not a path of religion. The philosophical teachings are that of the mysteries of Metaphysics.

Within the Brother/Sisterhood there are three stages of service. Each advancement brings greater power and contact, greater knowledge, and greater responsibility! To receive the first Initiation one must ask for it. If the Hierarchy of Light deems you to be a being whose calling is to serve totally in the Light, you will be accepted. The three levels of Initiation are Adept, Teacher & Guide.

  • Adept: As a representative for the Hierarchy of Light on earth, an Adept serves accordingly. At this stage you become affiliated with the Hierarchy on a permanent basis. You learn the fundamental teachings upon which all mystery school work is founded. As one steps into this level of service, the responsibility is to overcome the negative ego and work towards self-mastery.

In preparing you for the Adept Initiation, this class will help you bring down, from above, energies that you can use in your work, as well as more light and a higher level of spiritual understanding and knowledge.

Some of the benefits and privileges of the Adept Initiation include:
  • direct increased contact with the Hierarchy of Light
  • physical and spiritual abundance from your service to the Light
  • ten times the power you had prior to initiation to empower your Light work in the world expansion of consciousness and a heightened sense of clarity about your purpose in life
  • increased guidance and protection (four new guides sent directly from Creator to teach you and empower your spiritual evolution)
  • aligns the flow of your will with the flow of the Will of God/Source and the Will of the Universe

In the Adept program we discuss the structure and roles of the Hierarchy of Light, our relationship to it, and the Divine Plan for humanity. Other topics include:
  • how to eliminate the negative ego
  • the human potential to be God
  • the Hierarchy of Light and the Archangels
  • Chi, Ki and Hara energies and how to use them to enhance your life and work
  • the Universal Kabbalah - unlocking some of its ancient secrets
  • sacred tools for protection, worship and communion with the Hierarchy of Light
The Initiation itself is an ancient rite performed by a Guide who has had the appropriate physical initiations in the 3,000 year old lineage of King Salomon, and has the training and authority to perform this service. The wisdom of the ancients awaits - to be passed down from King Salomon to the Adept, via a Guide member of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light.

Length of class: 10am-10pm Date: Saturday 16 June 2007
Investment: R1450
Student Price: R1150
Deposit date: R 700 due Friday 8 June 2007
Final Payment due: Wednesday 13 June 2007
Payments: Cash, Cheque (Made out to JA Tiffin) or Electronic Transfer: JA Tiffin, Standard Bank, Cape Town Branch (020009), A/C 070601305

Please note that if you are interested in this class your name needs to be submitted to the Guide in advance! All info needed before the class will be emailed/faxed to you!

Sacred Divine Geometry

Sacred Geometry as an art was formed in heaven as a precursor to all creation. It is the study and contemplation of Divine Proportion and the geometric patterns that are fundamental to the creation and structure of the Universe.

You will learn to:
  • Awaken powers of 3 sacred geometries within your being
  • Connect to the Divine Spirit by accessing the 3 keys to heaven
  • Mesh sacred geometry with the 4 elements to enable all of your physical creations to be imbued with the Divine
  • Activate a room or building for protection
  • Create a temple of worship/sacred space

The class is experiential and takes the participant on a journey through the upper realms of life, the blue zone of creation!

Investment: R333
Length of class: 4 hours
DATE: Sunday 17 June 2007 (10am-2pm)

Astral Travel
Astral Travel is the art of expanding one's consciousness in order to travel outside the physical body. You can go anywhere you want! The only limitation is your own mind or lack of imagination.

In this class you will learn how to: ·
  • astral travel while in a conscious state
  • travel safely, taking all precautions
  • prepare the physical body, mind and surroundings for astral travel

The astral plane is one of the great, real workshops of the Universe. Through astral travel you will be able to receive intimate spiritual teachings related to your personal path from God/Goddess and the Spiritual Masters, thus enhancing and accelerating your spiritual growth. The techniques taught are from authentic Mystery School teachings.

Investment: R333
Length of class: 4 hours
Pre-requisite: Sacred Geometry
DATE: Sunday 17 June 2007 (3pm-7pm)
DISCOUNT: Sacred Geometry & Astral Travel together @ R600
PRESENTED BY: Julia Tiffin, Guide, Kabbalist and Ritual Master & Frank de Gouveia, Teacher, Kabbalist and Ritual Master trained by The Rocky Mountain Mystery School

Talk about The Universal Kabbalah

Why has the world gone Kabbalah crazy? What keys does the Kabbalah hold for us and our connection to the Divine and realizing the full potential of who we really are?

The Universal Kabbalah offers everyone the opportunity to study this ancient system that has been kept sacred for mankind for thousands of years within the ancient Mystery School Tradition. It is now that this is available for all to study in these changing times!

This talk will cover all this and why you may want to study The Universal Kabbalah. We will also look at how it is an invaluable tool that allows us freedom from the negative personality traits that block us from achieving our full potential as beings with the Divine Spark within us!

Information will be provided about The Universal Kabbalah class that will begin in Johannesburg in July 2007. This class will be lead by Verla Wade, one of the few certified Kabbalah Teachers in The Rocky Mountain Mystery School. She is a phenonmenal Kabbalah Teacher and we invite you to the opportunity study yourself more deeply with Verla Wade and your 2 Study Group leaders, Julia Tiffin & Frank de Gouveia.

Please note that space is limited so please contact Gert Botha ASAP to reserve a space for this talk on either one of the dates that have been scheduled.

Date: Monday 18th June 2007
Time: 19h00 – 21h00
PRESENTED BY: Julia Tiffin, Guide, Kabbalist and Ritual Master & Frank de Gouveia, Teacher, Kabbalist and Ritual Master trained by The Rocky Mountain Mystery School
Information on Verla Wade:

Bio for Julia Tiffin
CEO Rocky
Mountain Mystery School South Africa
Julia has been trained in the Visual Arts and has since her early 20’s exhibited in top photographic and internationally acclaimed galleries in Europe and the USA amongst other parts of the world. She has worked until recently as an artist, photographer and lecturer in the Fine Arts community, where she now exhibits only intermittently.

Her spiritual development led her to the doors of The Rocky Mountain Mystery School in 2004. This has led to a whole new pathway opening for her and resulted in rapid personal empowerments through the tools handed down in this ancient lineage. Since then a new vision has developed to bring these tools and empowerments to South Africa and fellow Africans.

Initiated into the Spiritual Hierarchy of Light as a Teacher and a Guide Member in the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light, she also serves as a Kabbalist, Celtic Shaman, High Priestess Of Elemental Magick and Ritual Master. Julia is highly intuitive and connected to the Hierarchy of Light and loves work as a teacher and healer, with a focus on healings and teachings that bring personal empowerment. She runs The Spiral Light Centre together with her sister Sandi Tiffin (based in Seattle, USA) and has been appointed as the CEO for South Africa for the Rocky Mountain Mystery School where she oversees all programs taught locally and by international Mystery School teachers.

Julia Tiffin 084 680 6029 © 021 465 8647 (o)

Bio for Frank de Gouveia

Through his life, Frank has been a perpetual searcher for truth and light. His path has led him to experience a variety of different work cultures and environments - he’s worked at stage acting, aromatherapy, western forms of Reiki and in a corporate multi-national. He has worked as an Addictions Counsellor, and has opened and managed a treatment centre dealing with all forms of addiction. He continues to consult in the addictions field on a part-time basis.

All of these experiences have contributed to his understanding of himself and his purpose in life.

His spiritual development was catapulted in January 2005, when he received the 22-Strand DNA Activation. Since then his path has opened up for him and his life has been remarkably transformed.

Frank serves as an initiate in the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light, as a Teacher, Ritual Master and Kabbalist.

Frank de Gouveia 083 7082 144©

22-Strand DNA Activation
The Gift of Spiritual Empowerment

The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) contains the master plan for who you are, your life purpose, and Divine potential. Holding the encoded information relative to both your physical and spiritual lineage, it is unique and very personal. This encoded information determines your physical form, hereditary maladies, mental proclivities, emotional behavioural patterns, spiritual gifts, and more.

The original divine blueprint for humans consists of 24-strand DNA. Most of the general population have only two strands of their DNA activated, and thus are using a mere 5-10% of their brain capacity and DNA.

Activation of the DNA to the 22nd Strand is now being offered from the spiritual realms to all of humanity. Handed down in a direct lineage from King Salomon, this activation originally empowered Priests or Priestesses for serving the people's need. This method is powerful, direct, and effective because it works with the natural flow of energy and light in the human body.

In this activation 12 receptor sites to your DNA are accessed through the etheric spine and illuminated with light. This activates 22 of the 24 key strands.

Some benefits of the 22-Strand DNA Activation:
  • Brings in and holds more light in the physical body
  • Empowers you to bring forth talents and abilities as yet unrealized
  • Enables you to have more energy
  • Brings more clarity into your life Strengthens the immune system
  • Releases the unconscious patterns stored within the physical body
  • Increases greater utilization of your brain
  • Creates a greater opening for ongoing connection with your Higher Self
  • Clears your individual and family genetic/karmic patterns

The 22-Strand DNA Activation is not a healing per se, but an empowerment that can aid you in your own healing process. This process allows the clearing of genetic patterning for many diseases. Any change in your genetic structure will affect your ancestors and descendants three to five generations in the past, as well as into the future.

Many technologies now available will activate the DNA up to the 12th strand. Activating strands beyond that requires the service of someone who is trained and initiated on the physical level, i.e., someone who has received authorization & initiation from the spiritual realms to perform this activation.

Investment: R400 (Excluding Antimony)
Antimony (2 Bottle Set): This incredible product is a Alchemical Remedy which helps to integrated the Activation by assisting with the elimination of environmental, emotional and mental toxins. It is optional to take Antimony! Investment: R200

Activations with Julia Tiffin/Frank de Gouveia

Emotional Cord Cuttings
Experience Freedom from Unwanted Negative Mental/Emotional Ties
Do you ever find yourself losing energy to the memory of past relationships, insults, injustices or hurts? Does the mention of someone knock you off center into anger, resentment or jealousy? Would you like to find more peace in your heart and more energy, patience and fun in your life? Perhaps it’s time to cut your ties and leave your losses behind. The Emotional Cord Cutting process eliminates all Negative Emotional Bonds by severing the psychic cords attached to the energy body, from your third eye to your feet. Those negative psychic bonds occur in the following areas according to their function:
1. THIRD EYE: Mental Contact
2. MOUTH/THROAT: Spoken Words
3. HEART: Emotions of Love & Hurt
5. THIGHS/KNEES: Bearing a heavy load
6. SHINS/FEET: Walking your talk; Honesty

Emotional Cords and Intimacy
When a person engages in sexual intimacy, that act creates an energetic cord, a tie from the female’s womb, most often to the male’s Solar Plexus chakra or power centre. The female then will feed the male energy for seven full years thereafter (or the partner with more feminine attributes in a homosexual relationship). Sexual intercourse, even a deep kiss, results in being corded for seven years. During that time, the energy keeps flowing between the two people, even though they may no longer be intimate or even in each other’s lives. This is one of the mysteries of Divine Marriage, and this is why sexual activity has always been a part of spiritual teachings, defined as appropriate only within the exclusive bond of marriage.

Emotional Cords and Children
The emotional cords form energetic links between you and your child. When the child is younger, this is necessary and important, although it is also important to create appropriate boundaries and learn effective communication skills. As the child matures, it is part of the parent’s responsibility to teach the young person how to source energy appropriately for themselves, through meditation, connecting to creation, healthy living and discovering their purpose. Then it our job as parents to let go and let them grow, encouraging and validating without trying to control them! Parenting is the most sacred and important job on the planet! Emotional cords with your children are healthy!

Emotional Cords and Others
If the person you are corded with is at a lower vibrational level, you will give your energy to them, even when you are receiving, because energy flows like water, from higher to lower. You can also receive lower vibrational or ‘toxic’ energy if the other person in a corded connection is angry with you, using drugs or alcohol or has other addictions.

Once these negative emotional cords from old relationships are cut, you have renewed energy and can re-establish relationships on a new level.

Cord cuttings are offered by Spiral Light Centre for R250, (1 hour session) and are discounted in the Instant Relief Package which contains a Purification by Light (cleans all negative influences in your auric field), Spell Removal and Cord Cutting for R333 (1.5 hour session).

Instant Relief Package
EMOTIONAL CORD CUTTING The emotional cords form energetic links between you and other people. Although some cords with spouses are appropriate, most of the cords we have are unhealthy. Sexual intercourse, even a deep kiss, results in you being corded to that person for seven years. During that time, the energy keeps flowing between the two people, even though they may no longer be intimate or even in each other’s lives. If the relationship is over, your life force can become drained and depleted. If the person you are corded with is at a lower vibrational level, you will give your energy away because energy flows like water, from higher to lower. Additionally we create lesser cords all the time with people we have arguments with or hold grudges against etc. All of these cords take energy to maintain and are a drain of your life force and your true purpose in life. Once your cords are cut in this process by a Ritual Master, you are free to reconnect with those who are important to you. As a result, you can establish your relationships with your partner, family, friends & co-workers on a new level, with new energy, and a new focus.

NEGATIVE INFLUENCE REMOVAL/SPELL REMOVAL Negative influence removal eliminates bad energy that has been sent to you in the form of negative thought forms & intentions from other people. These are also called ‘spells’. These energies stay with you and hinder you in experiencing your life as the dynamic, positive experience that it can be! This process is performed by a Ritual Master.

PURIFICATION BY LIGHT This uses an ancient ritual to dynamically clear up any residues that you are carrying in your auric field. It cleans up any ‘lost souls’ or other parasitic energies that are draining your life force. This process is performed by a Ritual Master.

Investment: R333
Session length: 1.5 hours

Deluxe DNA Activation Package
The Deluxe DNA Activation Package bundles the following services and products:

a full 22 Strand DNA Activation session which includes:
  • Energy Balancing
  • the 22 Strand DNA Activation
  • DNA Reading based on what was found during the energy balancing and DNA activation
the Emotional Cord Cutting & Negative Influence Removal

Investment: R600 (Full value: R650)
Session length: 3 hours
Cosmic Gate Etheric Surgery
This modality is actually the 11th session of the King Salomon Healing Modality which clears released energies completely from the etheric field. The etheric surgery is performed within your most sacred area – the cosmic gate region. Core issues are created in your formative years when you are developing your relationship to God and these negative experiences impact your belief in God and belief in Self. Removing core issues that have manifested physically in your etheric body can have a profound effect on your life and impact all your subsequent experiences and life views.

Unless it is removed, negative energy can stay in the etheric field for decades, causing unhealthy patterns to repeat frequently and even causing physical illnesses. In fact, approximately 90% of all physical illnesses come directly from the negative energies held in the etheric field! Removing these negative energies allows one to move forward in life with fewer repeats of old patterns as well as a healthier physical body. A few sessions may be required to remove the core issues, but sessions are schedule up to 3 months apart. The session uses Sacred Geometry to restore the balance in the etheric once the surgery has been performed.

This is recommended after or before your first ascension into Malkuth if you are embarking on The Universal Kabbalah and before your last ascension into Kether, Chokmah and Binah. This removes all released energies in the etheric structure as you start the journey up the Tree of Life; the second session removes all the released energies from the journey up the Tree before your last ascension.

Investment: R333
Session length: 1 hour

Life Purpose Reading
In this reading the first level of the DNA layer can be read. The following areas can be read:
The Spirit Level
  • Emanations on & after the Great Central Sun
  • Emanations after we were called to Earth
  • 12 Spiritual Dimensions Lineage
  • 12 Physical Dimensions Lineage

The Soul Level
  • The Mind contract w/Spirit & Spirit being within the Soul
  • The Mind & what its gift is
  • The Mind & how it works
  • Contracts & mates, babies, etc.

The Physical Level
  • Parent DNA: Fathers, Ancestors
  • Parent DNA: Mother, Ancestors
  • Your Personal DNA: Spirit Origin
  • Your Personal DNA: Original YOU

The complete reading requires two 1 hour sessions which are being offered at a special price of R222/session or R400 /2 sessions paid in advance. A 22-Strand DNA Activation is required to read the DNA & a one week gap is required between the DNA Activations and second reading!

Isis Healing

Isis was the Grand Queen of Egypt. She was a powerful high priestess in the Order of Ra, the Sun God and Creator. She used High Magick on an every day basis and did healing work three days a week for the general public. Her philosophy was to create abundance for the whole society by keeping the people healthy and happy. This proved to be correct!

Isis realized that, while the people ate food, drank water, meditated and performed other tasks to gather energy, they still were tired and slept for long periods of time. Isis and her staff of the Temple of Isis slept only three to four hours per day and worked with great vitality. She wondered why there was this difference in abilities, and consulted with the God Osiris, who advised her that Nut, the Great Mother of All Creation, would help her. So Isis went to Nut who gave her this method of realigning the energies back to the brain region to create a happier and more vital being. This method swept over Egypt like a storm and many people came to her for this healing.

This modality is an ancient method of realigning the vibrational energies of the body and re-directing them into the brain region so that the energies that we collect everyday are not lost but rather used for our benefit. In redirecting the energies, we send the Powers to Be into the "old brain" and through the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands into the cerebral cortex. These energies will, in turn, create a vortex within your being that will enhance all parts of your life and start programming your mind for success and happiness.

Using the energies of Isis, Osiris, Geb, and Nut, this modality will bring forth a death and rebirth within your emotional body, making it possible for you to embrace the next step in your evolution of consciousness. Sacred symbols are placed in your etheric body thus allowing the energies of enlightenment and empowerment to flow freely through your mind and heart.

As a result of this realignment, people often experience
  • more available energy
  • more usage of the brain capacity
  • more vitality for everyday life

The Isis Healing Modality is simple and takes about 40 minutes. People are usually left with a definite sensation of energy surging through the physical body. Some feel a significant difference in their mental state and in their ability to perceive the world around them.

Incredibly empowering experience that I know will last. Shefton W, London

It created a total re-alignment of my energetic and emotional body bringing a sense of inner peace and harmony into my life. Hannah B, Ireland

Recharged & infused with the spirit of creational energies. Powerful connection to the Mother. Sandi T, Seattle

I have really noticed an increase in energy and mental clarity already since the healing. Guy V,
Cape Town

Investment: R250
Session length: 1 hour